The Solution for an enormous dick

    Results within 3 weeks

  • Proven size gain
  • Laboratory tested
  • Discreet shipment in 48 hours
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120 capsules, a total of 30 for free

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When you're hung like a bull, women will be falling all over you

With the Viril XXL program, you'll have nothing on porn stars and you'll be able to boast about your new sexual performance and very large penis. You read that right. You'll be able to have sex on tap thanks to a penis that has never been so large and hard.

This new complete formula, combining a unique method with tutorials and the taking of Viril XXL capsules results in a natural and proportional enlargement of your penis. The Viril XXL program works on several criteria: the width and length of the penis, as well the duration of your erections. Everything is linked and we get it!

I routinely recommend the tutorials and videos provided by Viril XXL in their Premium Member Area to patients who come in for consultation to enlarge their penis. They often have very satisfying results after only a few weeks!
R. Rockenfowl, MD - Sexologist at London Hospital

2 pills a day

The average length of sexual intercourse (and masturbation) for our clients has increased from 13 to 27 minutes.

of them saw a noticeable change in the size of their penis as early as 2 weeks
report feeling incredible sensation when they have sex or masturbate.
Anonymous surveys conducted last month on 24,768 of our clients.

Sex that lasts for ages with a happy partner

By working on your erection, you'll be able to boost your libido and in turn improve sex. The Viril XXL programme will help you in this process: simple and effective tutorials will give you impressive erections and help you climax. This way, you'll be able to control yourself and attend to your partner's needs. Your other half will be really happy!

How is this all made possible? The programme includes taking Viril XXL capsules. These French-made capsules designed by French pharmacists are based on natural ingredients and have no side effects.

And to prove it, we're offering you

2 weeks of treatment absolutely free

They noticed the difference... They're all the same, they love sex!

My husband's always been a bit old-fashioned. Between not being so big in the crotch department and the fact he always does missionary... I gave him an ultimatum. He either had to improve his game or I'd get a divorce. He said okay. I got him some Viril XXL. In 3 weeks, my husband, my man, really changed. He now has a decent dick and is like a real beast in the bedroom. It was about time!

Carrie, 31 years old

I've been with my boyfriend for two years. We often watch porn online. He wanted to do it like the videos we saw, so I agreed but he didn't last very long. He joined your programme and since then I feel like I'm rediscovering sex. I never though of myself that way, but I like being treated like a bitch during sex, HIS bitch. And above all I love his big dick, it has grown 5 cm!

Piper, 24 years old

I've had a lover for four months. He's not the first, but my husband isn't very big and I'm not happy about it. On the other hand, it's the first time I've been with a man with a penis that size, it's 21 cm. When he takes me, I just give myself up to it, I feel like it's on another level. I've never been penetrated by anything that big before. He confessed to me that he's been a member of your programme for a year, which is how he really fulfils and satisfies me.

Helen, 41 years old