Hi girls! You might remember my post where I whined about my husband failing to perform? He wouldn’t get started at all, even with a blow job or a hand job, or he would come in just 1—3 minutes.
At first I was like: OK, where do all those adult film dudes get their stamina — we tried everything you can think of. Nonsense — his penis remained limp, sex didn’t last more than a couple of minutes.
In about 6 months I gave up. I decided that’s his genes and his physical condition, and there’s nothing to do about it. After all, I can’t say I wanted him as before, knowing all will end up in nothing, I won’t be satisfied, he’ll be upset. I felt my husband was totally losing confidence. I ended up with Vita Perf. This is like vitamins for penis.
I came across an interview with a prominent ED (erectile dysfunction) researcher, where she said any man can perform for up to 2 hours. That’s something I’m interested in, I thought. According to her, she’s using special natural extractions all in a harmless herbal pill which you can buy without prescription. This complex herbal medicine boosts sex hormone production and gives her male counterparts the stiffie of an 18 year old and the endurance of a porn star.
Based on the ingredients she listed, I searched for the perfect product that would "fix" hubbies ED. Original Vita Perf "blue natural pills" have the correct ingredients, so I found their website on the net and decided to make an order. I was really surprised that they had a special promo offer, so I got one without hesitating..
The pills arrived soon, and I couldn’t wait for us to go to bed — before he fell asleep, I gave him a pill saying that it is just a vitamin. I’m uncomfortable telling you the amazing experience but… since we’ll never meet offline I will tell you the details: In less than an hour my husband woke up with a rock hard super stiff erection, and will you believe me when I say we made love for 1 hour and 47 minutes! Cosmic pleasure, lots of sweat and screaming — a perfect ride, the best I’ve ever had. I did expect some improvement, but this was a man I never knew before.
The website says these pills should also boost my better half’s libido size, and that’s what we’re going to check in a couple of weeks. Well, I still find it hard to believe that this stuff turned him into a wild animal in bed — and all for a price of one movie ticket and without any stupid prescription. I find the effect worth every penny (I already ordered three more packs) — life is short, and I’m not the kind of girl that scrimps on pleasures.
Update: As of 12th of March, limited promo units still available.
(For a Limited Time, pay only $119 $149 and get FREE SHIPPING with this link)